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super/collider presents super/science episode 3: exploring marine wonders

Join us for the third episode in our new online event series, super/science.

During this talk, you will learn about the ecology of the Margate Coastline, in association with Resortful and South East Creatives.

This talk with Alice Morley will allow people to learn more about the exciting variety of marine life we have around the Thanet Coast, which is often hidden beneath the waves! Here we will discuss some of the local species we can see on the shores across Kent, as well as the different habitats that species call home. This talk will also touch on the historic and cultural aspects of some offshore sites around the North Kent coast, and we will discuss the importance of marine conservation zones and how they can help to protect and preserve our fascinating marine environment for future generations. Following this talk, super/collider co-director Louise Beer and her partner John Hooper will observe marine objects under a microscope.

Alice Morley is a Marine Conservation Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust, with a background in Marine Environmental Management. After finishing her degree, Alice spent a couple of years living and working in Yorkshire before moving down to Kent. Her current role with Kent Wildlife Trust is varied and includes aspects such as commenting on marine and coastal planning proposals; campaigning for stronger marine protection and advocating for better management of marine conservation zones; providing environmental advice to offshore developers; delivering marine consultancy projects; and organising events such as shore surveys and invasive species control events working alongside volunteers and citizen scientists. 

This event was accessed on the Zoom platform.

Photo by Peter Neumann on Unsplash